Monthly Update

December 2010







So, we thought November was a bit of a rough month, it turned out to be positively balmy compared to December. The coldest since the last Ice Age or something, not only was off road (or on road riding) difficult, reaching the start points for our rides was also not without its moments. The Lion Inn on Blakey Ridge had people trapped inside for 8 days, I bet they were devastated, log fires and a well stocked bar, it must have been Hell. Consequently the Terra Trailblazer’s monthly ride tally hit an all time low - 1 single ride in 31 days. Our Christmas Dinner ride, venue The Dudley Arms at Ingleby Greenhow, we all arrived unscathed, having crept along frosty lanes and gathered ourselves on some Arctic tundra, formerly the pub car park.

Donning a multitude of layers we set off looking like tramps who’d just raided a recycled clothing skip, gingerly pedalling on the slippy road, to cross the stream near the church - by the bridge - the usual ford being too cold/deep/wet to contemplate. The tarmac leading to Clay Bank was sheathed in ice, riding was a delicate combination of balance and blind faith. At our first ‘waiting for The Captain to catch up stop’ another problem presented itself - drink tubes and bite valves all frozen solid.

Leaving tarmac we made our way into Greenhow Plantation which was merely snow, fairly unconsolidated but rideable, everything in sight white, even the trees. In a spirit of Christmas machismo or maybe masochism we decide it would be a good idea to ride some way up the Ingleby Incline, to the fire road in Battersby Plantation. A few valiant attempts ensued but no-one made it to the turn off without recourse to pedestrianism. The fire road was predominantly a push, punctuated with the odd sketchy downhill - deep snow on top of ice leading to spectacular bruising for most of us, our mediocre handling skills being no match for the conditions.

Eventually we reached Bank Foot Farm from where only a short stretch of icy waste stood between us and our dinner. More ultra-cautious riding brought us back into Ingleby Greenhow, bikes packed away and into the pub for our lunch, served in what can only be described as a banqueting hall, half a dozen mud-spattered wretches, surrounded by office workers on expenses paid jollies. At least we could justifiably feel we earned our three courses, although 8 miles in two and half hours probably left us somewhat deficient in the calories burnt, calories consumed equation.



Terratrailblazers December riding. from John Lavelle on Vimeo.

Only managed one ride in the whole month of December, owing to the weather mainly. A few non-riding activities were indulged in. What could be more fun than watching a 62 year old man sliding backward down a hill in a gigantic plastic bag?









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