Monthly Update

May 2011






It all started so well, May, continuing from this years record breaking April, our first outing this month was a memorable ride around Guisborough Woods, showing Andrew around the very best bits. Everything in pristine condition, dry and firm, mud just a distant memory, men and machines in perfect harmony, no dabs or dismounts to spoil the flow. We almost believed we were getting the hang of this mountain biking lark, unfortunately in complete contrast to the end of the month when the same trails were a greasy slimefest, responsible for numerous crashes.

Brimming with new found and more than likely, misplaced, confidence in our riding ability, or second outing of the month was to Whinlatter Forest near Keswick, where, as usual for the Lakes, we assembled our bikes in a steady drizzle. Listening to The Pensioner and The Darlo Boy bleating about the price of the car park kept our spirits high before we did the new Blue route, The Quercus Trail, as a warm up, very pleasant it is too and the sun came out. Pausing only to dump excess clothing in the cars we continued straight onto the North Loop of The Altura trail, which only The Pensioner hadn’t done previously, although for most of us, it was the first time without snow, however we did have a few puddles to contend with, something we’ve not seen at home for weeks. Our handling skills were tested by the trail and found lacking, everything from overshooting berms to crashing into trees and all stages of uselessness between were touched upon. Escaping serious injury we regrouped at the café so our two penny-pinching skinflints could reprise their Ebenezer Scrooge act while looking at the menu, The Pensioner comes from the days when a quid bought 17 pints of beer, fish and chips and bus fare home with enough change for breakfast at a greasy spoon the next morning, The Darlo Boy just behaves as though he were born in that era. After lunch we tackled The South Loop, a long climb to the top followed by a sublime, rocky descent, made more enjoyable by Darlo Boy tumbling off his bike into a man-eating pine tree, eventually he extricated himself and we finished the loop. Back in the car park The Pensioner relented and admitted the £6.90 car park fee is actually worth every penny - praise indeed.

The remainder of the month was on more familiar territory, although we spent a fair proportion of the rides sheltering under trees from the relentless showers which plagued us. The detrimental effect on our favourite trails was unfortunate, the detrimental effect on our bodies was marked and painful, I managed an over bars, the bike adding insult to injury when it followed me down the slope and hit me in the face.

April fooled us into thinking Britain might have some semblance of a summer this year, May made us realise it was service as normal and up to now, June is just depressing, cold, wet and windy.



Terra Trailblazers May 2011 riding from John Lavelle on Vimeo.

The month started dry and finished wet, most of the trails still in good condition though.







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